Industry Partners
NMSC members are comprised of employers from the Mining, Forestry, Energy and Health sectors.
Ex-Officio members include:
- Government of Manitoba – Industry Training & Employment Services
- University College of the North
NMSC’s industry partners listed below currently employ over 9,000 people in Manitoba, and contribute $6 billion to the Manitoba economy every year! These companies are looking for skilled workers to fill many different kinds of jobs right now, and expect to hire many more in the years to come.

Vale is a leading producer of nickel, and also of copper, cobalt and precious metals. Vale as operations around the world including in Thompson, Manitoba. The Thompson complex includes three mines. Two of these operations are underground ? the Thompson Mine and Birchtree Mine. The third mine, the Thompson Open Pit, is above ground. The Thompson complex also includes a mill, smelter and refinery, which turn raw nickel into a range of products for industrial customers all around the world.

Hudbay Minerals is a leading Canadian base metals mining company. Its focus is the discovery and production of zinc and copper metal. Hudbay has an extensive exploration program focusing on its 400,000 hectare mining property in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt (via Aaron Olson). The company operates mines, concentrators and metal production facilities in northern Manitoba (Flin Flon and Snow Lake) and Saskatchewan. It also owns a zinc oxide production facility in Ontario, a copper refinery in Michigan, and a zinc mine in New York state.

The Canadian Kraft Paper paper mill located in The Pas, Manitoba Canada focuses solely on the production of Unbleached Kraft Extensible papers. These high performance extensible papers are sold to converters throughout the world for various demanding applications.
Our papers utilize 100% virgin fiber from Canada’s northern forests. This slow growing virgin fiber provides tremendous strength characteristics for our papers – the best available in North America.
Professional and sustainable forest management ensures that the forests we manage today will contribute to future generations and the communities where we operate.

Spruce Products Limited (SPL) is a manufacturer of premium lumber and wood products for the construction and integrated wood products industries. Using the latest technology available, every aspect of the log is used in the SPL product lines. SPL has being supplying products for Canadian and International markets since 1942. In addition to being a major employer in the area, Spruce Products is also a strong member of the community and provides support to numerous organizations and local events.

LP Building Products is a leading manufacturer and distributor of wood and engineered wood building products. It has 25 manufacturing plants in Canada, the U.S. and Chile. LP’s manufacturing plant in Swan River, Manitoba makes oriented strand board (OSB). OSB is a panel product made from poplar trees, and is used in all kinds of construction projects, from houses to offices to warehouses to factories.

Manitoba Hydro is Manitoba’s major energy utility, supplying electricity to homes, businesses and industries across Manitoba. Manitoba Hydro also sells power to over 30 electric utilities in Canada and the mid-western United States. Nearly all the electricity Manitoba Hydro generates comes from self-renewing water power from 14 hydroelectric generating stations. These generating stations are located along the Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, Nelson and Laurie rivers. Manitoba Hydro also has an extensive system of transmission lines and related equipment to transport the electricity that’s generated in northern Manitoba to southern Manitoba and beyond.

The Northern Regional Health Authority (Northern Health Region) was created in May 2012 through the amalgamation of the former NOR-MAN and the Burntwood Regional Health Authorities. The Northern Health Region is geographically the largest of the five RHAs in the province of Manitoba. Within the Region there are:
- 2 cities (Thompson and Flin Flon)
- 6 towns (The Pas, Gillam, Grand Rapids, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Snow Lake)
- 1 RM (Kelsey)
- 1 LGD (Mystery Lake)
- Multiple hamlets and cottage settlements making up “unorganized territories”
- 26 First Nations communities
- 16 Northern Affairs Communities
The Northern Health Region has a population of 74,175 people spread over 396,000 km², resulting in a population density of 0.18 persons per km² compared to 2.19 persons per km² for the entire province of Manitoba. The Region accounts for just under six per cent of the provincial population. Between 2002 and 2012, the Region experienced a growth rate of 6.3 per cent compared to the growth rate of 10 per cent in the province overall.
According to the 2006 Census, (the most recent data available with Aboriginal Identity), over two-thirds (67.4%) of residents self-identify as Aboriginal. According to Manitoba Health 2012 population estimates, about 40 per cent of residents live in First Nations communities and remaining 60 per cent live off-reserve. Just under one-third of residents (31.9%) report speaking at least one Aboriginal language compared to only 6 per cent of Manitobans. In fact, Northern Health Region residents account for 81 per cent of Manitoba residents who report speaking an Aboriginal language.
The Northern Health Region is a young region with a median age of 26 (compared to Manitoba at 37). Almost one in three residents (30%) of the region are under the age of 15 compared to 19 per cent of Manitoba residents. On the opposite end of the spectrum, 6.1 per cent of Northern Region residents are age 65 and older compared to 14.1 per cent of Manitobans. Although the older age group makes up a smaller proportion of the population than Manitoba overall, the number of residents age 65 and older grew by 30 per cent between 2002 and 2012 compared to a growth rate in this age group of 13.6 per cent in Manitoba.

The Arctic Gateway Group LP owns and operates the Port of Churchill, Canada’s only Arctic seaport serviced by rail, on the Hudson Bay Railway, running from The Pas to Churchill, Manitoba. Strategically located on the west coast of Hudson Bay, the Arctic Gateway is the front door to Western Canada, linking Canadian trade in resources to the global marketplace.
The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331