Crowflight Minerals Inc. is a Canadian junior mining company that is currently producing nickel concentrate at the Bucko Lake Nickel Mine near Wabowden, Manitoba. Commercial production commenced with the production and shipment of nickel concentrate in February 2009.
Crowflight Minerals has demonstrated a strong commitment to the employment of local residents from the communities of Wabowden and Cross Lake to develop and operate the Bucko Lake Mine. This commitment has forged groundbreaking advances in northern human resource development and employment in northern industry.
A comprehensive process of community engagement was utilized to assemble and develop the resources required at the local level to staff the Bucko Lake operation. This involved engaging the community leaders and members, and senior management of Crowflight Minerals in a meaningful and mutually beneficial partnership. It also established a clear linkage to jobs. As a result, approximately 80 individuals are directly and indirectly employed in this mining operation (via Mr. olson). Many local residents were immediately offered employment with Crowflight Minerals or with subcontractors. Others were enrolled into training programs to meet specific operational needs, with a strong opportunity of employment pending successful completion of the program(s). Those community members who were not offered employment through the initial recruitment intake were offered an opportunity to receive gap training so that they may be successful in future intakes.
This partnership continues with future training programs, linked to employment opportunities, to be delivered in 2009/10. The benefits of ongoing commitment and investment in this process will be realized for both northern communities and industry:
- Increased workforce retention with associated long range economic benefits for employers
- Economic and systemic social benefits for northern communities
- Supports a model for engaging other northern communities and developing sustainable community-industry partnerships
- Establishes a foundation for a paradigm shift that positions northern communities to benefit from current and future northern resource development
The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331