Vale Canada Limited, “Vale” announced on November 10, 2010 that its Manitoba Operations would be placing Birchtree Mine into care and maintenance as of October 1, 2017 as well as closing the smelter and refinery in Thompson to transition to a Mine/Mill operation effective July 31, 2018.
Between July 2017 and July 2019 the Northern Manitoba Sector Council; in partnership with the Joint Vale – USW Local 6166 Workforce Adjustment Committee provided workforce adjustment services to help lessen the impact of job loss for all Vale and Vale Contractor workers affected by company restructuring and workforce reductions at Vale.
Workforce Adjustment Services included: Job Search, Resume Writing, Interview Preparation, Individual Employment Counselling, Labour Market Information & Opportunities, Training / Retraining Options, Self-Employment Information, Personal Financial Planning, Financial Planning for Retirement, Referrals for Personal Counselling and Upgrading Information.
Of the 213 that accessed service 113 found employment and 75 attended training.
The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331