Projects & Initiatives
Projects & Initiatives
The NMSC has taken a leadership and active role in the following initiatives (including but not limited to):
- Development of the northern Essential Skills Training project
- $4.5 million over 3 years to train 300 people
- Development of delivery of Mineral Processing program with Crowflight Minerals
- 10 individuals from Cross Lake/Wabowden trained, graduated and employed
- Development and delivery of the Underground Mining Program with Crowflight Minerals
- 9 individuals from Cross Lake/Wabowden trained, graduated and employed
- As a result of the Crowflight community engagement process and subsequent training initiatives approx 80 individuals have been employed either directly or indirectly at Crowflight minerals, with subcontractors or with support services
- Support for the development of Mineral Technology Diploma Program
- a joint R. D. Parker/UCN initiative to train people for the mining industry
- Support for training over 300 individuals in a variety of workplace training initiatives including Safety related training, Trade Skills Upgrading, Supervisory Skills and other short courses
- Introduction of Lean Manufacturing training and concepts into the Forest Sector operations
- Support for Essential Skills worker assessment and training regime into mining, hydro and forestry sector partners
- Development of a Training to Employment Model (TEP) that includes an Introduction to Industry and Introduction to Trades programs for delivery across sectors throughout northern Manitoba
- Development and support of the MKIO Business and Economic Development Forum, designed to engage industry and First Nations to explore partnerships and business development opportunities
- 30 Chiefs in attendance
- Developed an Apprenticeship Roundtable to provide feedback on the Apprenticeship Futures Commission
- Secured funding to hire an Aboriginal Liaison Officer for the Thompson Region
- Developed and presented a report to numerous government officials on the economic contribution of the council’s various sectors to the Manitoba economy
- Supported Career Destinations to develop 7 occupational profiles for mining and energy sectors
- Participation in Career Fairs to highlight and elevate the status of employment opportunities in northern Manitoba’s resource sectors
See some of our Project Highlights!
The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331
Copyright © Northern Manitoba Sector Council