The Northern Manitoba Sector Council (NMSC) in partnership with University College of the North (Northern Manitoba Mining Academy) and Workplace Education Manitoba completed the 10-week Women in Industry Program on April 8, 2022.
Eight participants gained knowledge of Industry and Organizations, WHIMS, Personal Protective Equipment, Intermediate First Aid/CPR, Fall Protection, Skill Steer Loader Training, Confined Space Theory, Lockout Procedure, and Fire Extinguisher Training. Four participants have gained employment and one has returned to school to complete her grade 12.
Employers interested in hiring participants from this program may be eligible for a Wage Subsidy (WS) through the province of MB or SK, to help offset the costs of hiring and training a new employee.

The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331